Success Stories

What Readers are saying


Donald Johnson

John Has Helped Me Close Over 40 Sales per Year, Take Exotic Trips to Europe, Dubai, Thailand, and Mexico, and Purchase Multiple Investment Properties

“Words are not enough to express or describe how much John Toublaris has impacted many fields in my life since we first connected back in 2015. From giving me the edge to act on opportunities, to creating an incredible vision board, to seeing those visions come to reality.

With John’s help and guidance, I close an average of over 40 sales per year and work my sphere. I’ve also hired an assistant and, most important, am learning how to delegate and prioritize money-making activities. Some of my accomplishments are that I paid off my brand-new car within 4 months of owning it; I take exotic trips to Europe, Dubai, Thailand, and Mexico; and I have established a reputable name for myself. I have also purchased multiple investment properties and continue to do so, and I have a separate “BIG WHY” for what those investments will do for my financial peace.

Working with John, I have constantly been a Top Producer in my office for the past several years, ranked in the top 20%, as well as being nominated multiple times for Producer of the Month, at my office, and also in South Florida, by our Regional Director.

To me, having a coach is much more than just hiring someone to give you tools. John has guided me through many business challenges and has helped me clear the path to high production, creating a meaningful personal life, and setting boundaries and self-confidence in my own abilities. I will always be grateful for the impact that John has made on my life.” 


Marjory Cesar

Thanks to John’s Coaching, I Now Take 6–8 Listings per Month, Have Hired My First Assistant, Renovated My House, and Took My Kids to Disneyland.

“Here I am, separated from my husband due to a domestic violence situation, and I am going through a divorce, being left behind with three young children.  I am not able to pay for any of my bills. None. The water, electric, heat, and mortgage are not paid, and I am so scared.  My car breaks down and cannot be repaired.  I am renting a car every week, and the credit card I am using is maxed out.  I can’t even afford to pay daycare for my son so I can work.  As a single mother of three children, I am scared, worried, and very concerned about my babies. I constantly kept asking myself what I should do.

It is now February of 2016, and I call John after being introduced by my friend Monika, and I invest my last dollars that I had, in coaching.  I have to do something, and this is it.  After weekly coaching calls, there is one I’ll always remember.  John is focusing on making sure I know exactly why I am in real estate. It is right in that moment that I become present to my purpose as to “WHY” I have to do this. Finally, I have found my “BIG WHY.”  We hang up and I am in tears.  I can’t believe it!  A coaching call has me in tears!  In that moment, I got so excited about my purpose that I now prospect with confidence and ease.

Thanks to John’s coaching, today I take 6–8 listings per month, my income increased almost more than 3 times, and I am able to do what I thought was impossible when this all started.  I take my children to Disney and stay on the resort.  Our first Disney vacation ever!  I am able to do that in less than a year in coaching.  I also completed remodeling my home and upgraded my appliances. I am able to sponsor a family and a homeless woman from my Church for Christmas.  Exactly one year after someone had sponsored our family!  I take on one child to sponsor through my office as well.  I am able to enroll my daughter in dance classes. All my bills are paid!  I went from not being able to pay any bills, to paying them all, and some ahead of time!  For the first time in a long time, I take my babies shopping for items they have needed for a while.  I am now even shopping for myself and am able to provide food, clothing, shelter, and even vacations for my children. I now feel proud, worthy, and valuable! 

Without a doubt, I would not be who I am or where I am in my life if I had not met John.  I truly believe and feel that John helped save my life, which in turn changed the lives of my children forever!  John is a gift, a blessing, and a saving grace to anyone who puts their faith in him.  Thank you for all that you do and how much you


Vicky Silvano,

By calling my database, I earned an additional $122,800 in six months, which I wouldn’t have had without John’s mindset, strategies and coaching.

“I have been in the business for about 20 years, so my database is pretty big. With about 800+ people in this database, I wasn’t really utilizing this book of business that I have in my hands. Accessing this gold mine was something that I wasn’t paying attention to. In addition, calling my database is something that I have avoided for a while. I avoided calling them because, in my mind, reaching out to them is like asking them for business all the time. I felt guilty that I had not called them for a long time and calling them all of a sudden added to my embarrassment that I would feel should I call them.

All these thoughts spinning in my head were dead wrong when I hired John as my coach. John made me feel at ease by shifting my mindset about these database phone calls. His guidance on how to change my mindset in calling my database, doing baby steps, and calling just to re-activate my relationship with past clients, was a huge transformation.

Now, I don’t think of guilt or embarrassment, and I look forward to making the calls because I know that my clients are welcoming and eager to hear from me. When calling them, whether I get a listing/sale or not, it doesn’t deter me from picking up the phone and making my re-connections with my past clients. This mind shift of calling my database has created twelve sales over the past six months, resulting in an additional $122,800 in income, which I wouldn’t have had without John’s mindset strategies and coaching.”

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