Destiny Matters FellowshipDestiny Matters FellowshipDestiny Matters Fellowship
(+256) 393 102 040
Plot 3113, Nalukolongo Road , Mutundwe Kampala – Uganda
Destiny Matters FellowshipDestiny Matters FellowshipDestiny Matters Fellowship

Something About Us

Destiny Matters Fellowship, founded by Pastor Charles Kasibante, is a transformative fellowship empowering  individuals and communities to embrace their God-given destinies. From its origins in Kampala, Uganda, the fellowship has expanded globally with branches in the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK). It serves as a catalyst for personal growth, spiritual development, and fulfilling divine purpose. Through gatherings and teachings, members discover their unique identity and potential, equipped with the tools to overcome obstacles and confidently pursue their destinies. The fellowship fosters a supportive community; offering networking, mentorship, and collaboration. Pastor Charles’ relatable teachings inspire personal transformation and the fellowship’s commitment to love and authenticity brings hope and inspiration internationally. Destiny Matters Fellowship empowers individuals to live purposefully, embrace their calling, and make a difference in their spheres of influence.

About Us

Destiny Matters Fellowship, founded by Pastor Charles Kasibante, is a transformative fellowship empowering  individuals and communities to embrace their God-given destinies. From its origins in Kampala, Uganda, the fellowship has expanded globally with branches in the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK). It serves as a catalyst for personal growth, spiritual development, and fulfilling divine purpose. Through gatherings and teachings, members discover their unique identity and potential, equipped with the tools to overcome obstacles and confidently pursue their destinies. The fellowship fosters a supportive community; offering networking, mentorship, and collaboration. Pastor Charles’ relatable teachings inspire personal transformation and the fellowship’s commitment to love and authenticity brings hope and inspiration internationally. Destiny Matters Fellowship empowers individuals to live purposefully, embrace their calling, and make a difference in their spheres of influence.

In this edition, Destiny Matters  Author, Speaker, and Pastor, Charles Kasibante, takes readers on a journey to find purpose, tap into success and live a victoriously life. Many people spend most of their lives wishful thinking, relegating life to chance and luck. This book will help you to fulfil God’s purpose for your life.

This book will help you to fulfil God’s purpose for your life and live the kind of life God envisioned for you. God is not trying to help you fulfill your vision but to fulfill His vision for your life. When you carry out Gods purpose for your life , you have accomplished your Destiny.

In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said, Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day(1 Kings 3: 3-9) (KJV)

About Pastor Charles Kasibante

Pr. Charles Kasibante is a man of humility who has triumphed over poverty to become a respected Pastor. His spiritual journey commenced when he served as a minister at Kansanga Miracle Centre, where his passion for ministry began to flourish. Recognizing his calling, Charles took the next step in his faith journey and became a Pastor and was officially ordained in 2011.

In 2017, Charles established his own ministry, House of Inspiration Church, where he continues to spread the message of Hope, Faith, and Transformation. Through his ministry, he has touched countless lives and inspired individuals to embrace their God-given destinies.







About Pastor Charles Kasibante

Pr. Charles Kasibante is a man of humility who has triumphed over poverty to become a respected Pastor. His spiritual journey commenced when he served as a minister at Kansanga Miracle Centre, where his passion for ministry began to flourish. Recognizing his calling, Charles took the next step in his faith journey and became a Pastor and was officially ordained in 2011.

In 2017, Charles established his own ministry, House of Inspiration Church, where he continues to spread the message of Hope, Faith, and Transformation. Through his ministry, he has touched countless lives and inspired individuals to embrace their God-given destinies.

Book Chapters In Brief

Chapter 1:

Look Around And Be Open To New Ideas

“Imagination is the bridge between Now and the Future.”

Chapter 2:

Explore, Dream And Discover

“The dream you have for your life must be priority to you.”

Chapter 3:

Stay In Pursuit

“Overcoming dwelling in you past unlocks your destiny.”

Chapter 4:

Destiny Associates

“Imagination is the bridge between Now and the Future.”

Chapter 5:

Personal Vision

“The Greatest Enemy of Vision is Sight because sight limits you to the present and vision breaks the deadlocks of the future.”

Chapter 6 :

Develop A Plan

“A goal is detailed proposal for doing or achieving something, and it can also be an intention or decision about what one is going to do.”

Chapter 7:

Called Glory

“In matters of Destiny, there must be a deliberate seeking of the knowledge of the glory of God through prayer, reading the Word, Worship and devotion.”

Chapter 8:

“Time Flies When You’re Having Fun”

“Overcoming dwelling in you past unlocks your destiny.”“Fully investing in living and learning with Regal becomes an
enjoyable journey”

Chapter 9:

The Power of Inner Conversation

“To Change your Destiny, Your Inner Conversation must change.”

Chapter 10:


“Every Destiny will need human assistance to be achieved”




House of inspiration Church

In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said, Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day(1 Kings 3: 3-9) (KJV)

Destiny Matters

No matter what life dream is for you, achieving it is always the fore most important thing anyone wants to do. However there is a very big difference between living a dream and day dreaming. Many people spend most of their adult life wishing this or that would happen and relegating life to chance and Miracle.
There are three constants in life; Principles, Choices and Change no matter which field you are in or what you do. The bottom line is life has a creator and purpose presided creation. I’m very sure the architect of life had a great plan. A lot has changed with the new normal in place, we can now make phone calls during flights to people at home, change is everywhere and success has been redefined. However, no body dictates change but yourself.
One of the greatest gift God has ever given to man was the ability to make decisions. Your current state is the reflection of yesterday’s thought pattern and decisions. Change begins with one thought at a time. This is a process you don’t rush to but you need to change one thought at a time. Investment into yourself spiritually and mentally is really of great importance.

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